The Land of the Scurvy Dog (2016)

Biting Mascot’s The Land of the Scurvy Dog is a colorful 3D platformer made with Unreal Engine 4. It was released on in 2016 and eventually served as a prototype for Captain’s Tail (2018).

I worked as the lead designer in this project. I directed the game’s vision and designed the core mechanics. I was also responsible for the level design. This was my first time designing and whiteboxing a 3D environment in a game of my own. I learned a lot of new things about the process of designing 3D levels.

This was also my first time working with Unreal Engine 4. I did not have time to do any scripting, but I learned to use the engine for whiteboxing and editing purposes.

Game design experience:
– Directed project vision
– Designed core mechanics

Level design experience:
– Designed and whiteboxed the demo level

Other experience:
– Learned to use Unreal Engine 4